Our Mission

Our Mission: Barrie Soundwaves is a fun-loving and inclusive chorus, striving for musical excellence and entertaining performances.

Barrie Soundwaves fulfills this mission statement by:

- Providing a fun and creative learning environment that educates and trains our members in singing a cappella, four-part harmony, barbershop style. We aim to achieve musical excellence through our weekly rehearsals, professional coaching and regional education events and workshops

- Providing local entertainment in and around Barrie and Simcoe County for private events, celebrations, holiday performances, and hosting musical barbershop productions

- Welcoming all singers in the community to join our chorus without prejudice. We promote the freedom to express themselves and discover the voice and talent within

- Providing a sense of family, resulting in friendships and a positive support system within the community

- Creating memories that go beyond the music


Copyright © 2025 Barrie Soundwaves